Monday, 14 May 2012

Gorgeous Flowers - Tutorial

I love tutorials don’t you? Every time I get a bit stuck on a project, I switch on the computer and I let Google lead me to ‘those who have the knowledge’.
I have read tutorials from how to make a vase from a light bulb to how to put in a concealed zip, with some quite weird ideas in between ( upcycle a  man’s suit into a dress anyone?)  It seems there is nothing you can’t learn from an online tutorial!  One of my favourite things is how to make a decorative flower from organza and I thought I would share this with you. This is my first ever attempt at writing a tutorial but you should be able to work out anything I’ve forgotten to tell you.

You will need:
Fabric (I use organza from a craft shop)
Needle & matching thread
Beads for the centre (optional)

Step 1: Cut your fabric into squares slightly larger than the size you want for your finished flower. You could cut them into flower shapes or circles if you want them more structured. They don’t have to be exact so it doesn’t matter if they’re not all the same size. You will need at least 3, the more layers you add, the fuller the flower.

Step 2: Light your candle (there are probably health & safety implications with this next bit but you just need to be careful) CAREFULLY hold the edges of the fabric close enough to the fabric so it just starts to curl & singe, turning as each bit curls. This happens quickly so pay close attention!

Step 3: Layer your singed bits together, holding in the centre until you have the flower that you want, I like a nice full flowers so I use about 6 but I guess it depends what you want to use the flower for.  When you have the desired look use a matching thread and secure with a couple of stitches. If you are using beads in the centre sew these on now. TA DA!!..... a completed flower ready to attach to whatever you want!

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