What is it about fabric? I have drawers and containers filled with fabric, all neatly organised into colours, size and then design. Some of it I love so much I cannot bear to use and then sell on! Fabric shops both real and online are my sweet shops! I cannot come out of one without having bought something. My postman loves it when I buy online as he gets to deliver it and cart it around his route! He does get a good tip at Christmas so I keep him sweet!
I am drawn to fabric in much the same way a moth is drawn to a light. I love the texture, feel and colour of fabric and the way that I can then sit and transform this piece of fabric into an item that can be loved and cherished. If the post arrives whilst hubbie is at work I can squirrel away the fabric without him seeing – unless of course I need to add to my storage and then less room is available in the dining room! Buying to fulfil someone’s order is fine, he knows it wont sit around in the house, it will be made up and gone but the buying just because ‘it’s gorgeous’ doesn’t quite get the same response from him as from my fabric friends!
Finding a new fabric shop is amazing, sitting online I can sit and fill my virtual shopping basket with gorgeous fabrics until my hearts content … well until I look at the total cost and it is easily in 3 figures so the laptop is quickly shut down! The colours, design and the image in my head of what I can transform the item into all adds to the draw of it, I am sure that if you listen hard enough you can hear it saying “Mrs Fabric, Mrs Fabric, come and buy me, you know you want me… Mrs Fabric, Mrs Fabric come one, come on we love you, we want to sit in your containers with all your other fabric”! Who can refuse such a lovely request?!
Now with all the fabric and ideas I have, all I need is someone to look after my kids, someone to do my housework, someone to do my day job and someone to do all the other mundane things so that I can sit and sew and use up the fabric. But, oh no! Then I will have to go and buy some more… oh dear, ssshhhh, don’t tell the hubbie!!
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