Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Finding the time....

Since I started crafting, one of the things I hear most often from friends and family is... how do you find the time? After all, I am a single mum with a full time job so how do I manage to run my crafting businesses on top of all that? The simple answer is that I find the time! It’s sort of like going to the gym; people always say they haven’t got the time to go, but if they wanted that six pack badly enough, they could easily find the time!

No more evenings in front of the tv bored senseless for me! Oh no, these days the tv might be on but it’s purely background noise, for once in my life I have no idea what is happening in Albert Square, nor do I care! Nowadays, I can be found on the sofa, beading board on lap, making jewellery whilst loving the feeling of relaxation that I gain from threading the beads and making an idea in my head a reality. 

 After a long and stressful day at the day job, (and trust me when I say it can be stressful) there is no better feeling in the world than coming home and getting my beads out. Within minutes, my bad day has been forgotten and I am at peace again. 

Okay, so the house might not be as spotless as it once was, the ironing board doesn’t see the light of day that much and let’s not talk about the state of my eyebrows (I am a firm believer that fringes were invented for a very good reason) but I stopped worrying about things like that a long time ago. 

Because in crafting, I have found my passion, my therapy, my “thing”. I had been looking my whole life for that missing something, and I found it in a bag of beads and a reel of stretch elastic...

Mind you, I still haven’t found the time to go to the gym... xxx

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