Friday, 22 June 2012

Handmade. What does it mean to you?

There are so many questions that surround it, questions that you may or may not be able to answer.

Why are the majority of people sceptical about handmade items, do they hesitate to buy at craft fairs, reply with sharp straight to the point answers when you announce your price, does their expression look slightly shocked? 

I personally believe this is because it doesn’t say ‘made in China/Taiwan’. It wasn’t until I started making that I realised so much more went into an item. The hours and cost etc. I am a member of a lovely craftyholics group and we post the trials and tribulations of crafting and everyday non related stresses. 

It was a member that received a shocked reply about the cost of one of her items that prompted me to write this blog. It made me realise that some people just do not understand the prices of handmade items. It was the same day that my other half was disgusted at an item I had purchased for £25.00 – it was fully handmade right down to the little hat.

It’s quite obvious that we come up with a price suitable for the handmade item whether it be £20, £60 etc. We do this because we know the history behind the item, we do not mass produce, we do not have people that work for peanuts and we do not have robot machines to do everything for us.

What are the other factors that seem to put people off?


  1. This is the truth. Unless people are of the 'handmade' mind they don't appreciate the time and effort that goes into the final product. All they see it the price and whether it is pleasing to the eye!

    This shouldn't dampen our creative spirits or our love for all things hand made. This should make us more determined to proove that love and creativity can spread magic. If we can get one more person to appreciate 'Handmade' and to believe in 'Magic' then we are doing a fantastic job :) <3

  2. Well said Raani! Completely agree thank you for commenting x
